Saturday, July 23, 2016

Fort Nelson 7/23

Well at least I know I am on the right road now.

Today's drive wasn't as beautiful as some, mostly forest from Grand Prairie Alberta to Fort Nelson British Columbia. Somewhat eventful though with a cracked windshield from one of the many trucks sharing the road with us. Also almost hit a small surprised coyote who looked like it was seeing the road for the first time. This area is really remote forest as far as the eye can see and pretty hilly. I had the crack repaired and I doubt it will be the last time I have this problem.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Jasper and beyond 7/22

Ok it was a late twilight yesterday so I never got to my blog, the sun didn't set until 10:00 which is hard to get used to. Drinks on the patio lasted way to long. We spent the night in Jasper Alberta after driving up one of the most spectacular valleys stopping at Lake Louise along with the Athabasca Falls. Got too see some wild life mountain sheep, a small grizzly, a black bear, elk, and lots of pika.

The Parks were very crowded but this was the most beautiful traffic jam I've ever been in.
I liked Jasper better than Banff it just seem more down to earth less touristy but both parks were amazing.
Today we left the mountains to keep heading north but not before we took a quick detour to Pyramid and Patricia Lakes.
And on we went.
The car was running pretty rough the last couple days before had the fuel filter changed and it's running great again



Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Banff 7/20

As interesting as traveling across the Canadian plains was it is great to reach the Rockies 

We drove up through the Rocky Mountain trench west of the continenta divide. We started in the plains town of Lethbridge Alberta drove west bypassing the typical route through Calgary and then north the next valley over. The back east to Banff 
One of the most interesting things we saw was a couple bridges for wildlife to move over the main highway safety. I have heard if these but nice to see them for real. Something for the US to use to expand habitat. 

Banff is beautiful but the town itself is an over crowded tourist destination I am ready to leave already. Looking forward to the park and Jasper.
 By the way l'm going to give the thumbs down on our hotel the Banff International Hotel Beth,spend more money on this than any other place and it's been the worst hotel yet



Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Lethbridge Alberta

Ok we streaked across Saskatchewan today to Lethbridge, Alberta with some quick detours. Good visuals in this giant sky country 
Grand or fun

Here we are




Monday, July 18, 2016

Manitoba 7/18

First Day with Beth as my passenger. Had a great drive across Manitoba by the rapeseed and flaxseed fields beautiful purples and yellows, stopped in Portag
e de Prairie to check out a small prairie town and a good example of a oxbow lake. To our surprise we found white pelicans swimming around, I guess they winter in Canada from Florida. We finished our day driving by arriving in Regina Saskatchewan and had a great dinner at La Bodega. This is where I love the Internet you can find good restaurants when you're a stranger in town.



Canada July 17

I left Grand Forks in the morning and headed north. I reached the border within an hour, the border patrol was very nice but after questioning me about possible weapons I asked about my taser. He promptly confiscated it. 
So off I went into hopefully a safe Canada and met up with cousin Beth in Winnipeg. She had us booked into the Fort Garry hotel for my second stay there. We stopped in at the Winnipeg Art Gallery where Oviloo Tunnillie, an Inuit artist, had an amazing exhibit of a women story in stone.